
Free Workshop

Data Science Foundations: Kickstart Your Professional Journey as A Data Scientist"

The Data Science Foundations course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques of data science. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start a career in data science or a professional seeking to enhance your analytical skills, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in the field.


What you will Learn in this Workshop?

Throughout the course, you will learn about essential topics such as data acquisition, data cleaning and preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, statistical analysis, and predictive modeling. You will also gain hands-on experience using popular programming languages and tools like Python, R, and SQL to manipulate and analyze real-world datasets.

Why Join the Workshop?

By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in data science principles and techniques, enabling you to tackle real-world data challenges and extract valuable insights. Whether you aspire to work as a data scientist, data analyst, or simply want to enhance your analytical skills, this course will empower you to navigate the world of data with confidence.

Before the Workshop

After the Workshop

What are the Requirements for the Workshop?


This course is for those who have patience to learn before earn.

Learning Mindset

Data science is a rapidly evolving field.


You must have a PC or
a Laptop

About Trainer

Neelam is a 6+ Yrs Data Science industry professional, with 2 Academic Research Paper and 1 provisional ML filing, currently working as a Senior Data scientist in Vista. He built real-time AI data products revolving around nlp and computer vision at scale with an add-on specialization in Apache Spark and Mlflow.

  1. He persued AI role in industry from core start-up team member to contributor in giant corporate.
  2. Gallery Ranking and Design recommendation are some of his recent contribution generating an impact of ~$1.5M . 
  3. Apart from work, he enjoys exploring stock market and take on callisthenics space.

Neelam Sharma


0 %
Success Ratio

Why Join in the Workshop?

Enroll in the Data Science Foundations course today and embark on an exciting journey towards becoming a proficient data scientist.

0 +
Years Experience
0 +
Tutorial Video
0 +
People Join
0 +
Lacs in Profit

What Our Students Say About Us

What people think about this course

This course from Academic Affairs is a Game-changer for building solid data science foundation.


    Data Science Foundation course from Academic Affairs is a Perfect blend of theory and hands-on practice.


      The Data Science course was incredibly informative and practical. It equipped me with the necessary skills to analyze data and build predictive models.

        Ravi Kumar

        Attending the Data Science workshop was a game-changer for me. The hands-on exercises and real-world examples made complex concepts easy to understand.


          I am grateful for the opportunity to attend the Data Science workshop. It empowered me with the knowledge and skills needed to make data-driven decisions.


            Satisfied Students

            Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

            Yes you can do this, you don’t need any pre existing coding language knowledge.
            If you can use mobile then you can easily learn this course.

            Data science involves data acquisition, cleaning, and preprocessing, followed by exploratory data analysis (EDA) to gain insights. Statistical analysis and machine learning are then applied to build predictive models. Model evaluation, deployment, and ongoing monitoring ensure the reliability of results. Effective communication and visualization are essential for conveying findings to stakeholders. To learn more, consider attending a workshop on data science.

            • Language – Python
            • Platform – Jupyter/Databricks
            • Packages – Pandas, Numpy, Tensorflow, beautifulSoup, Seaborn, scikit-learn, keras, matplotlib.

            I will provide support for 3 months, still after that period you can contact me, and I will try to help you

            Join the Course!

            Only few Seats left


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